Ignatian Spirituality

The spirituality of the Jesuits is often referred to as 'Ignatian Spirituality' after our founder St Ignatius. The website of the 'Jesuits in Britain' has some excellent articles on Ignatian Spirituality, which we summarise below.

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Finding God in all things

St Ignatius of Loyola, our founder, developed a spirituality for real life. Referred to as ‘Ignatian Spirituality’ it is commonly described as a way of ‘finding God in all things’. St Ignatius was convinced that God could be found in every area of life, meaning that everything, from relationships to family, from happiness to suffering - everything - is a part of the spiritual life.

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Contemplatives in action

If we want to discover God in our lives, we need to take the time to seek Him there. This means stopping, taking moments out of the rush of modern life, to listen for the voice of God. It then means finding the ways of praying that work for you. This counter-cultural way of living is how Jesuits live, and because of this we have been referred to throughout our history as ‘contemplatives in action’.

Ignatian Spirituality has proved itself as a tried and tested pathway to God for millions, a way of navigating life’s complexities, and a spiritual treasure from Catholic tradition for the world.

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Ways of praying

St Ignatius has real insight into how different people connect with God in different ways, once writing, ‘It is dangerous to make everybody go forward by the same road’. So, find what works for you!

Here you will find many ways of praying, various meditations and reflections, tools for decision-making, imaginative exercises and retreat experiences, all drawing from the richness and tradition of Ignatian Spirituality.

The Examen

Discovering God in everyday life

The Examen is a simple prayer that can help you become aware of how God is active in your life, and see where He has been present in your day.

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Discernment of Spirits

Knowing the motions of the soul

The Discernment of Spirits is all about growing in spiritual self-knowledge, learning how to defend yourself from the bad and grow towards the good. It is a way of interpreting what St Ignatius referred to as ‘the motions of the soul’, and of determining which of these come from God.

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Making good decisions

Making big life decisions with God

In his spirituality, St Ignatius created principles for decision making that have helped guide millions to make the right choice at the crossroads of their lives. This spiritual process for making decisions is often referred to as ‘discernment’, which means listening for the voice of God.

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Pray As You Go

The prayer app for life on the go

Pray As You Go is a daily audio-encounter with God, wherever you are. Every day, there is a new prayer session designed for life on the go. This will help you to pray whenever you find the time, but particularly whilst travelling to and from work or study.

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Imaginative Contemplation

Encountering Jesus in the Gospel story

Imaginative contemplation is all about getting to know Jesus. It is a method of prayer in which you imagine yourself as a character in a Gospel scene, stepping into the story and encountering Jesus there. This way of praying will help you to see more clearly, love more dearly, and follow more nearly the person of Jesus Christ.

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The Spiritual Exercises

St Ignatius’ spiritual masterpiece

The Spiritual Exercises are an original and life-changing programme of prayer centred on the life of Jesus Christ. The exercises are ultimately about letting go of attachments that hold you back so that you can live a truly free and joyful life journeying with Christ.

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